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 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL What's so special about birthday that makes it special.I would say that it is the day we all get happy for being on th...

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Why the gap?

Why the gap?

why someone feels lonely?Huh,i just feel shit even though we are widely connected to b***h in the internet about everythin and act dope in social media. But still some part of me tells what the f is that supposed to prove, why the hell did u a-hole do that?...

What's the feeling of happiness? Do we even  have those. I sincerely have no idea. But I do have a feeling that the more I grow up the more the feeling of happiness,sadness,joy everythin just mixes with each other I just cant differentiate anymore. Do not take this as a depressed idiot just shitting his thoughts on to some non-existing blog. Well some maybe true.

Life is still a mystery for me. I find it still very hard to believe why people want so much to themselves while its all a illusion made to pull you into a non existing dream world. The fun part is the dream is not even yours but some ugly fat guy above you who's paying you. With all that in motion you miss your dearest friends and family in the process as you go drifting far away in a blur. The only time you miss them is when you see a old photo or something that reminds them. The very moment you turn back the wheel in your head to see the precise moment of your friends smile, your moms tears, and your fathers angry stares.

But that is far beyond the point of resurrection.All must be stuck again with your true life now. The only life that matters. The world is just a whole big cinema hall. The big ass jobs and the promises wealth all just to make you shit in the trap that encloses you but when you realize you will be in a bed counting your days in most cases.Not to mistake me for some guy who believes all are just controlled by some few guys(don't want to put the names).When the first human set foot to do agriculture he did it for food, when people chose to elect a king they did it for a well structured government and on and on. When did our brain get so lazy to recognize modern slavery!

Yeah you read it right.Who is to decide what job you should do and what things you should buy? Think of the shopping malls as forest and the brands are the predator and your money is the pray...you are just the bait.

What if?

The question is peculiar as it reminds many of many things but for me just truth of the trap you were just relieved by death.And those people who hunted you had a nice little meal.